Shift (Print Series)

Aimee Cameron's fascination with the relationship between materials, form, layers, and process, has played an essential role in the development of her current collection of work.  She creates a base of plaster and fabric in a fast, intuitively uncontrolled process, while the surface work is carefully composed in reaction to the base.

Shift is a beautiful example of subtle texture and color.  While the original work is currently in a private collection, we have featured prints available that highlight the detail, color and texture of the original piece. 

Shift by Aimee Cameron - Mineral pigments, watercolor, acrylic and charcoal on plaster and fabric

Shift by Aimee Cameron - Mineral pigments, watercolor, acrylic and charcoal on plaster and fabric

"My interest is in highlighting the patterns that seem to emerge as well as perceived imperfections." - Aimee Cameron


"I attempt to capture the aerial design as well as it’s imperceptible or constant movement."

"My intention is to reveal the subtle substructures and complicated textual patterns that emerge from the fabric and plaster base."

"I draw inspiration from the complex designs of a landscape or body of water that can only be viewed aerially."