Carla Anderson | Elizabeth Youngblood
April 2017
Carla’s work looks at places of the earth that are in the process of reforming itself. In some instances, these processes are barely perceptible, while in others, the explosive nature of these re-formations is quite evident. A temporal quality infuses the landscapes and the geographical features of the region, and their relationship to the light, color, and atmosphere serve as a starting point from which her work begins. Carla’s work focuses on light, color, steam, water, texture, and pattern.
Youngblood’s art making practice includes working in the mediums of drawing, ceramics, weaving, book binding and more. Her ceramic and wire sculptures create structure and balance out of materials that are commonly seen as delicate and malleable. Her drawings are often studies of forms or materials such as graphite or ink. Youngblood pulls the viewer into considering shapes that are seemingly ordinary but are full of tension and subtlety.