you are my mirror but i DON'T see you (detail), michel erussard

you are my mirror but i DON'T see you (detail), michel erussard

michel erussard | traveling mind

nov 20 - dec 19| vIRTUAL EXHIBITION

Galerie Camille is pleased to present Traveling Mind a dynamic solo exhibition by painter, Michel Erussard. Erusarrds paintings are like a dreamland; full of fragments of narrative, humorous social critique, and introspection. His watercolors are gritty, mystical, and psychological. Traveling Mind is an exhibition featuring a selection of small watercolor paintings that are inspired by images from books, magazines, newspapers, and by events in the world. A voracious reader, he immerses himself in art history, literature, world politics, and poetry. The text that he adds to many of his paintings, are words that echo ageless ironies.

“My recent work has been influenced by Aloysius Bertrand. He was a romantic poet of the early 19th century. He was poor, died young of tuberculosis and was only published after his death. However he has had a lasting impact, Le Spleen de Paris of C.Baudelaire used his form of prose poem, M.Ravel wrote piano pieces based on his Gaspard de la Nuit, etc…I love his short stories or prose poems, set in a medieval dreamland. They belong to the realm of the fantastic, of the long ago past and of the made up existence of the theater which I always try to express in my work.” - Michel Erussard

MICHEL ERUSSARD was born in France. The severe landscapes of the North Coast of Britany, and the area’s Celtic culture, have a strong influence on his work. In his teens, he studied drawing and painting in Paris and later at the Art Student League in New York. As an executive of a large company, he lived in Spain, Colombia, Mexico, and Argentina. The colors and ambiance of these countries resonate in his art. His first move to the US was in the 1970’s to Soho, NYC. In 1990, he moved to Michigan where he currently resides.

press: hour detroit
