In the Studio
Vineta Chugh, is a designer who works in a variety of materials, including wood, metal and plastic. With a conceptual approach, Chugh tries to develop forms that are inspired by the body and struggles of self-image but are based only on subjective associations that stimulate the viewer to make new individual connections.   We visited Chugh's studio at Cranbrook Academy of Art to preview work for her upcoming exhibition at Galerie Camille opening March 10th - April 1st 2017.  Photographs by Eric Perry.


Chugh creates objects, texts and images in which the insecurities associated with the mental image of the body are questioned.


"By choosing primarily formal solutions, I approach complex subjects in a celebratory way and enjoy involving and engaging the viewer."


"My artworks are a direct response to a body-conscious environment.  With the societal binaries, such as beautiful - ugly, fat - thin and masculine - feminine in mind, I try to make work that questions them with a poetic approach."


"My artwork is intertwined with personal experiences and combined with craft that open unique spaces of imagination for the viewer.  I have created objects, texts and images in which the insecurities associated with the mental image of the body are questioned."